...AND OCEANS (O) 1349 1914 200 Stab Wounds Abbath ABORTION Aborym Abstract Abysmal Grief Achsar Acid Force Ador Dorath Aeon Winds Aether Afsky Ain Akhlys Alcest Algor Aligator Crystal Rock Pub Altars Ablaze Amenra Amon Amarth Amorphis Angelus Angerseed anima fest animafest Antares Apathy Again April Weeps Aran Angmar Archeonic Archgoat ARKHAM Arkona. Achsar ATAVISTIA atmosferic metal atmospherick black metal Atypic AUÐN AUTUMN NOSTALGIE AVATARIUM Bahratal Bajonet baltic Banská Bystrica Barák music club Barbar Bards Battlefield Rituals Batushka Baxaxaxa Before the Dawn Behemoth Beherit Belphegor Belzebong benefičný festival Bermuth Berstuk Besna Bialy Vitez Bipolar Architecture Black Light black metal black metal meeting black/death metal black/death mtal black/doom metal Blasphemy open-air Bloodride Bloody Obsession Bloody Rademption Bloody Redemption Bloody Tyrant Bohemyst Bojemyst Bordel na Dunaji Borknagar BØLZER Brain Dealers Bratislava Brno Brutal Assault Cabal Can Bardd CARPENTER BRUT Castaway Cattle Decapitation celtic music Ceremony of Silence Cholera Chorá Doba CIEMRA (BY) Circular Saw Clan of Xymox Coldblooded Collosseum Conan CONCRETE WINDS Constipation Cradle of Filth Crooked Mouth Cruadalach Crypta CRYPTS OF DESPAIR Cult of Fire Dakhma dark ambient Dark seal Darkher Darktimes Darkwind Darvaza Ďas Dawn Ray´d + Iskandr Dead Congregation Deaf Kids Death Has Spoken death metal Defacement Deloraine Dephts Above depresy depths above Devil in the Name Din Addicts Diocletian DISFIGURED CORPSE Disfuneral Djevel Doodseskader Doodswens doom metal Doomas Dordeduh Down to hell Dread Sovereign Drift Drumcorps Dymna Lotva Dysangelium Ďyvina EDITOR Elysium Embrace the Darkness... Emerald Shine Enslaved Enter the Eternal Fire Enterprise Earth Envy Eschaton etnobrno eufory experimental experimental black metal Face The Wall Fatality Faun Fen festival Finntroll Fleshless folk folk black metal folk metal Forgotten Silence Forndom Františkova Huta From the Depths of Mexico Frostmoon Eclipse Frozen Blood Funus Futurum music klub Gaahls Wyrd Gaerea Gágor GALLOWER Galvanizer Gevurah Gjoll God Dethroned God Is An Astronaut GOJIRA Gorgoroth Gorrch Gost gothic rock Gothoom Gothoomček Grima groove metal Groza Guardians Of Asgaard Guardians of Asgard Guyod Gyvata Harakiri for the Sky Hate Hats Barn Heaving Earth heavy metal Heiden Heilung Hell Militia Hellbutcher Helleruin Hellripper Hierophant HINAYANA hmota HO99O9 hollywood klub holotropic HORDA Hradby samoty hradisko Humanity´s Last Breath Hypno5e Hypnos Iffernet Igorrr IMPERMANENCE In Mourning In The Woods... INFECTED RAIN Infer INFERNAL CULT Inferno Inprobus insomnia nights Insomnium Ions Irae Jack JARUN Jeden Kmen Jo Quail Jóhann Jóhannsson Jozef Van Wissen JUODVARNIS JUODVARNIS (LT) Kampfar Katatonia Kazostroj kilkim žaibu King Dude Klub 77 Knoll KONVENT Korpiklaani Košice Kouta Kovošrot Krajiny Hmly Kristof Hahn Krolok Krudus KURGAALL Kvaen Lahar Landscape of Shadows Larvae Latvia Lichočar Lichtblick Lifesick Litva LIVLØS Loits Lord Dying Lost Society Lotyšsko Löwittův mlýn Lunatic Gods Lyrre Machina Baphometa mallephyr Malokarpatan Mantar Marduk Mare Masarykova univerzita Mayhem medieval music Melodka Mephitic Grave Meshuggah Messa metal festival Metanoon Metro Music bar METSATÖLL Mgla Midnight Odyssey Midsummer Tunes Minnor Minor minor ug day Misotheist Misthyrming Mivedantal Modern Age Dying Mokoš fest Montana Metal Fest Moonsorrow Moonspell Moravia Magna Morbific Mordum Morna Mortiis Mortuary Drape Moyra MUNICIPAL WASTE Mura Murder Rape Amputate Murderdolls MY DYING BRIDE Mylions MystifieR & Craven Idol Nahum Naurrakar NĀV Necrowretch Nemuer neofolk Nerofluxus Nest Of Plague Nightmarer Noc nárekov Noć Vuka noise Nokturnal Mortum Nová cvernovka Nuclear Nytt Land Obscure promotion Obscure Selections Oh Hiroshima Ohen Okult Old Tomb OMNIUM GATHERUM online koncert Oranssi Pazuzu orava alternative Organectomy Orkrist Otava Yo Otras Otto von Schirach Pačess Pačess a Bára Basiková pagan pagan black metal pagan metal pagan nights paganism Panzerfaust Paradise Lost Patriarcha Peorth Percival PERTURBATOR Perversity Pervesity Pg.Lost plack metal Podpoľanica pohanstvo Poludnica post metal post-black metal Postcards from Arkham Praha PRIMORDIAL psychadelic rock Psychonaut Purnama Råkvä Ramchat Rana Randal club Ravenarium Realms Of Chaos Return of Pluto Rí Rá Ritualization Rivers Ablaze ROME Root Rosa Nocturna Rottenatomy Rotting Christ Sakis Tolis Samsara Sanatorium Sanguisugabogg Saor Saprophyte Satan Klaus Fest Sator Marte Saturnalia Temple Saturnus Schammasch Schmrtntz Sear Bliss secret garden Sekeromlat Selbst Septic Fleish šerm SHORES OF NULL Sick n’ Beautiful Signs Of The Swarm SISYPHEAN Skalica Skalmold Slaves Of Passion Slight Lie Slovensko sludge sól Solipsism SOLIPSISM (SK) Sólstafir Som Sorgoth SOTHORIS Spawn DeathFest spomienka Spuld Massacre Stará Pekárna starovek Stellaris Stellvris Stir of Echoes stredovek stredoveká akcia Strigôň Sturle Dagsland Suffocation Sukkhu Sumus Diabolus Incarnatus SUN NO MORE (PL) Sunstrike Suotana Surgery Svalbard Svart Crown Svätoslav Hamaliar SWALLOW THE SUN Taake Tarja Tempus Terrestrial Chaos Testament Thalarion The Abbey THE CORONA LANTERN The Devil´s Trade The Foreshadowing the Halo Effect The House The Ocean Collective Thelma Ramon Theotoxin Thunder Art Booking Thy Darkened Shade Time Sprout Orchestra Titanic Toadeater Tomáš Kočko Tomáš Kočko & Orchestr Tortharry Toxic Holocaust Tramal Trenčín Trollech True Reason Tujarot Turia Uada Udånde Uerberos Ulcerate Ultar Ultima Ratio Fest 2023 underground UNITED CORPSES... Unpure URNE Utgard Vader Valar Valkyrija Vanguard Velesar VENDETA venit mortem Vexed Viedeň Viscera Vltimas Void Ov Voices Voluptas Volyně Vomit Forth Vomitory Vortex Of End Wacken Metal Battle Wacken Metal Battle Slovakia Wardruna Warna Wastage WATAIN Wayfarer We Still Here Wednesday 13 Weljar WHOREDOM RIFE Whoredome Rife Wiegedood Winter Pagan Feast Woe unto Me wolfarian WOLFHEART Wolvennest world music Wrang Xalpen XIII. Století Zeal & Ardor Zhor Žiarislav a Bytosti Žilina Zmyrna Zobens un Lemes. Skyforger
35 rokov na scéne oslávia na svojom turné Švédi Marduk aj v bratislavskom klube Randal. Príďte si vychutnať špecifický a energický black metal v ich podaní v nedeľu 16. 2. 2025, kde vystúpia spoločne so svojimi hosťami a to holanďanmi Doodswens, Irae, a Francúzmi Sumus Diabolus Incarnatus.
Miesto konania: Randal Club Bratislava
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